Spill Kit

A spill kit is a collection of items, to be used in case of a spill, leak or other discharge of oil. Spill kits are developed so that a prompt response and clean-up may be performed.


A spill kit is a collection of items, to be used in case of a spill, leak or other discharge of oil. Spill kits are developed so that a prompt response and clean-up may be performed.

  • For safe cleanup & disinfection urine, vomit and blood spillages.
  • Kit contains x1 blood spill pack and x1 urine & vomit spill pack.
  • SoChlor NaDCC chlorine release granules absorbs spill, kills pathogens on contact and reduces cross contamination risk.
  • For disinfection of surface and surrounding areas where spill occurred. Fully effective against blood borne pathogens and Tuberculosis(TB).

Certified with test standards: BS: EN1650, BS: EN1276 & BS: EN13697